
ecologically sustainable development中文是什么意思

  • 生态上可持续的发展



  • 例句与用法
  • Ecologically sustainable development , intelligent transport systems , urban sprawl , twenty - first century , public transport , greenways , green links
  • Compared with other researches on renovation in china , this thesis emphasizes particularly on institutional rules , wishing to publicize unaware values in architecture through objective evaluation and to lead urban and building renovation in china to ecologically sustainable development through resourseful
    对比国内有关再利用的研究,本论文更重于再利用实现机制的探讨,欲求通过客观的评价,将我们未觉察的建筑价值进行“推销” ,并从专业角度给予支持。
  • The 2000 sydney olympic game was the greenest ever in the history which had been achieved with the innovation , expertise and commitment of australia s environment industry and its willing to use smart technology to achieve ecologically sustainable development . ian kiernan , australian of the year 1994 , initiated clean up sydney harbour in 1989 which has now expanded into an annual world - wide campaign , taking place in over 120 countries , with more than 40 million participants
    Iankiernan ) ,他驾单人帆船环绕地球时,看到漂浮在海上的垃圾,深深觉得要做一些事,于是发起cleanupaustralia ,并推广为全澳洲规模最大的清洁活动,此活动后来获联合国环境规划署支持, 1993年扩大至全世界,推动每年九月的第三个周末为全球清洁日,希望藉由共同清扫,唤起大家对环境保护的重视。
  • It is significant and indispensable to carry out environment impact assessment ( eia ) in development area . eia is the process of identifying , predicting , evaluating and mitigating the biophysical , social , and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made . eia is a necessary process contributing to the management of ecologically sustainable development
  • 百科解释
Ecologically sustainable development is the environmental component of sustainable development. It can be achieved partially through the use of the precautionary principle; if there are threats of serious or irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing measures to prevent environmental degradation.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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